About Covert Echoes...
...as the leader of a covert operations team, Jon’s superiors called him one of the best. Over time the screams of agony, the mangled bodies, and the stench of death took their toll—he had to get out. He retreated to commercial fishing, seeking mental cleansing in the vast ocean’s solitude. Three quiet years and his covert past returned to haunt him. He barely survived a second deadly encounter with El Tigre—this one in Kure Beach. The burning question was who had sold him out? His military records were securely buried—accessible to less than a handful of high-ranking personnel. He managed, with the help of Carlos, to hunt down the traitor, who was eliminated. Yet the revenge plot, started by El Tigre, still wasn’t through with him. Jon was compelled to return again, to the dark world of kill or be killed. In a small West Virginia hill town, the unknown amount of blood money, paid by El Tigre to the man who sold Jon out, was now being sought by a group of ruthless criminals and a single man who had personally known El Tigre. In the final confrontation a wild last shot, by a dying killer, penetrated and caused a propane tanker to explode violently. The concussive explosion left Jon in a psychogenic coma.
Jon, is still comatose, and being cared for in the guest room of his closest friends. His doctor could offer only a vague prognosis—recovery could be anytime or possibly never. Jon had survived every covert field operation when in the service, but would the echoes of his covert past finally destroy him? |