About The Potomac Enigma...
The President of the United States is abruptly awakened at 2:18 a.m., and summoned to his private study.
Three men are stoically awaiting his arrival. The president’s first question is blunt and to the point. “What’s up that required my presence at 2:20 a.m.?” Sam Carstairs, one of the three men, is the top man in the White House Secret Service. He has been in the Secret Service for eigjhteen years, and his credentials are awe-inspiring. It was Sam who responded to the president’s question. “The news isn’t good, Sir. A junior senator has been murdered in his home in Massachusetts.” He paused, “It’s not the murder, which is unfortunate, but the method and the cryptic message scrawled on the murder weapon, ‘You didn’t listen’.” Sam’s immediate assignment—find the senator’s killer. Finding the killer, as far as Sam is concerned, is his number one objective. But what does the message mean? Is the killing just a random act of violence or is there more to it? Is there a hidden agenda that might possibly have a direct effect on the government or, although an unbelievable stretch of the imagination, the entire nation? Sam is led on a convoluted trail that offers no clues, but quickly indicates highly trained perpetrators and international ramifications. He quickly brings an old friend—a former Mossad agent, into the hunt. The standard answers to who, what, where, when and why remain elusive. Sam must proceed with all possible speed to find a solution that is hopefully simple, but appears to grow more complex with each passing day. Time is his subtle, but now very real enemy, and the ticking clock is invisible. ISBN: 978-1644372241 Book #4 |